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5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down

5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down - High low traffic a blog could be influenced by a variety of things, could be from internal factors or external factors, internal factors related to how to maintain and optimizing blog or site from within while the external factors is every effort that you do outside of the site that can affect your blog popularity.

Don't be surprised when your blog is still new, it could be your blog's visitors quiet and generally need a process to increase traffic, but if your blog is already quite aged ago with suddenly traffic visitors or visitor blog goes down dramatically with the suddenly, most likely there is something that is taking place on your blog, what you have to do is find the cause so you can find the solution.

Factors caused traffic or visitors to your blog plummeted unexpectedly

Here are a few factors that you can identify the cause of your blog visitor traffic suddenly dropped off drastically.
5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down
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1. You change your Blog's domain name

One of the causes of your blog traffic Down unexpectedly even no visitors at all is due to the efforts of the replacement of the old domain name with the new domain name.

The domain is the root or root how search engines can recognize the blog and also existing therein, therefore it is advised to never change the domain name of your old blog and has a visitor that much, because if you just change the the domain name of your blog, the blog is certain you will lose visitors, be it a loyal visitor of your blog visitor or sourced from organic search engines, the cause is because your blog will be considered the same as the blog the newly created.Replacement of domain names is sometimes performed by a novice blogger because of the lack of understanding about the impact and risk of replacement of the domain.

Suppose that just because there is some reason you decide to change the url address of your old blog's domain was originally name_domain_lama. blogspot. co. id then in turn into name_domain_new. blogspot. co. id, whereas the old blog you already and already has many visitor or visitor.

When the old domain was changed then rename domains not participate changed the name of the domain that is already stored in the database google index their impact when relevant searches then that appears in google search still will go to your blog's domain name, as a result when search results visit the visitors will be brought to your old blog page which is no longer there as a result of blog results not found.

Therefore never replace the domain name of your old blog and have sufficient visitor because it's just the same as you make a new blog. If they forced you to do due to some reason, better to create a new blog, content with the old blog content, do a redirect from the old blog with specific techniques allow for the same page as there is in the old blog before.
5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down
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2. Google algorithm changes

Change the algorithm we know as one of the causes of traffic your blog or site is unstable, you need to know google as the world's most popular search engine owners often update the algorithm's aim is of course to fix any the weakness of the found on the search engines, so that the search results or the serp is really relevant and in accordance with required, and users get the best search results.

The algorithm changes sometimes influence the stability of blog traffic, sometimes rises suddenly or down, depending on what kind of algorithm is updated but sometimes can make your blog traffic down suddenly. Read also 2 the most important SEO Factor Category.
#How are you have to do?

What you have to do is depend on the algorithm, According to algorithm if we make haste to do modifications to do modifications to fit with google's algorithm, for example just like in April 2015 google change the algorithm which requires every blogger template to change into mobile friendly.
5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down
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3. The blog you get a google Penalty

Lots of ways to create a blog or site so easy once found on a search engine, can in ways that comply with the google webmaster guidelines guideline or in ways that are not justified and does not comply with the policy Google,

If what you are doing is not in accordance with the policy of google webmaster guideline, then continued the already uncertain chances of your blog will be easy for penalty from google.

One defining feature is the visitor of your blog suddenly dropped drastically and often rank your blog article in the search results slumped even not found and the most severe is your blog deleted google.

Google did not directly inform your mistakes but you can see from the number of visitor of your blog is getting decreased, if you have that kind of thing, you should be able to identify about what you do, there may be ways that you do for the blog popularized the attempt is considered incompatible with the google policy blog so you get a penalty.
5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down
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4. Too much SEO optimization

To get the best ranking in the search results, not denying the blog and also the article should at least be optimized blogs, be it seo on-page and off-page seo optimization, or both should get the proper measure. If not then chances are the result not maximal.

Any optimization you do should not be done in excess, head of google's web spam Matt Cutt once exposed, that when you involve optimization seo on your blog, then, the popularity of the blog will start creeping up and keep going up if you continue to do optimization in excess then the graph will be declining popularity and ultimately your blog will get a penalty, hard to find in a google search (SERP).

Therefore, never involves excessive optimization seo for your blog because it's not nice to make your blog, there is no definite rule as to what measure the optimization is good, it's good for seo optimization seo on-page off-page optimization or, But what you should notice is don't be too over optimization. To taste, even many that suggest if articles blog has reached the age of 3 months, we no longer need to build backlinks. Let the article get backlinks naturally.
5 Factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog Down
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5. Your blog is dominated by seasonal articles with keywords

Articles with keywords seasonal usually don't last long, and certain time will cause your blog traffic which addresses topics with a seasonal keywords will drop over time.

Perhaps many keywords that we can use for the title of the article, depending on the niche or topic blogs that discussed the keywords, can be considered a perennial or seasonal keywords, keywords are said to be immortal if keywords keywords used its popularity was able to last forever without being limited by time, these keywords will remain as a keyword which is always much sought after by netter which require relevant information in accordance with the key word being discussed, for example is keywords are always associated with the discussion of SEO, keywords such as this doesn't seem to be out of date swallowed times during search engine technology is still used by internet users.

While seasonal keywords are keywords that can only survive in certain moments, the keywords as this will generally obsolete swallowed times while already incompatible with the seasons, one example is the keyword that discusses stone agate, keywords like this we can refer to as a seasonal keywords, and keywords as this will afford his era at a time when popular phenomena agate are rising, but over time and as the popularity of the faded keyword eye stone the obsolete times and swallowed up the articles that discuss the matter will no longer be popular, its impact is of course search volume would be reduced and blog traffic will decrease.

In fact a great many factors that led to your blog traffic down, some of which are already I describe above, by knowing the cause of your blog traffic is down at least you can the anticipation all matters relating to the the cause of the traffic down and also you can find the solution.

So an article about several factors caused traffic visitors (Visitor) blog down, may be useful.

NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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