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2 the most important SEO Factor Category

2 the most important SEO Factor Category – one of the most effective and least expensive to attract visitors or visitor to your blog is by involving seo optmation seo either seo on-page off-page or seo techniques, there is really no standard only by experiment and keep trying through the approach of google ranking factors then you will be able to find a way that is appropriate to your blog so that your blog is easily found in the search results.

From time to time the seo techniques always vary in accordance with the development of search engine technology, along with the changing times the search engine technology will continue to change for the better and sometimes presents technology newest, purpose is to find quickly the right and relevant to each article that is needed by internet users when users search through the search engine is goole. 

So it could just be some seo techniques the year 2014 is not the same and will not be suitable used in year 2015 so this year because of seo will continue to change in accordance with the above-mentioned teknolgi search engine.
2 the most important SEO Factor Category
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2 the most important Seo Factor Categories

For the bloggers who care deeply will seo benefit, must always strive to always get the latest information on the development of search engines, so by knowing the development of search engines, you as a seo practitioner will always using seo techniques on your blog the right way and not expired so that the blog articles that you create remain popular not bridle eaten times.

Some of the ways that you can do to always get the latest information on the development of seo is to often read blogs – blogs are indeed specifically discusses seo, there are plenty of references that you can read both domestically and outside the country.

So you don't hassle you could be a subscriber in the blog-the blog so that every time there is the latest articles published on the blog you will get the information quickly through your email.

The latest news from google about the most important seo Factors this year.

Lately I also happen to get the latest news about seo through an email I received from one of the many popular blog owners discuss about seo that I happen to belong to, the blog owner via email informing him that Google declare about the most important seo factors of this year, we already know in advance that the search engine google classmates imposed 200 + google ranking factors to determine whether the article deserves a blog get the best position in the results google search,

News about seo by Andrey Lipattsev (Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google) have stated that in the year and will come from the 200 + google ranking factors there are 2 categories of the most dominant in determining the ranking of your site in the results Search.
2 the most important SEO Factor Category
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Links and Content is to #1 and to #2 the most determining a site's ranking in search results

It turns out that the existence of links or backlinks are owned by a website is the most important factor that can determine the position of the article on the results of improvement, therefore, we should always strive to build backlinks for your blog.

The influence of the links towards the position of the article in search results is strongly influenced by the few things as follows:

a. The number of backlinks

The more the number of backlink then it will be even better. Read related Difference SEO optimization On-Page and Off-Page SEO.

b. the Anchor text or text anchor used for the backlink

Use anchor text may be natural, meaning that it may not necessarily be made always use anchor text keywords in the target but use anchor text variety could increase the regularity of these links.

c. authority sites backlink Sources

Authority means the trust site in the eyes of search engines, sites that have a good reputation is not a site that is considered spam sites or sites that are less qualified, if a source of backlinks from authority sites that have good then it can certain backlinks obtained are quality backlinks that really will have a tremendous influence to get the best position in the search results. 
2 the most important SEO Factor Category
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Google Officially Entering User CTR and user Experience (UX factor) in search engine algorithms

Google enginer, Paul Haahr stated that currently google is already entering a new google ranking factors become part of 200 + google ranking the most dominant factor can determine whether or not the article deserves a posting appeared on the best search engine positioning, two of these factors is User CTR and User Experience (UX).

What's a User CTR?

User CTR is User (Click Trought Rate), that is the value of a percentage of how much internet users click on the title of your blog article when they find your blog article in the search results. the larger the percentage of the value of your blog article title ctr then it means that the title of the article that you serve it very well.

To see the value of your blog articles, CTR you can see in google search google webmaster tools console or to your blog, please go to menu Browse Analytic > search traffic.

Please see the search for queri data is your blog, you'll see information on keywords that are used by the users of your blog to find the article of your blog, there are lots of articles on your blog you will see the number of clicks, click through rate and amount the percentage of CTR articles blog you found if the percentage of CTR was the high value it better.

Do you know when your blog article is deemed inappropriate to appear in the first position of search engines seo on-page optimization is seen from which you engage and the quality of the article is created, then google will impose A/B test on your blog article in the search results the search engines.

When search engines are running tests on your blog article, then in a time article you would be able to appear on the first page of google is probably in the first or second position, when the article appeared in a user's position and do not do click on the title of the article blog you, then the title could be considered less relevant to what is sought by internet users.

If the article you get a click by the user and log in to your article page, but less than 2 minutes them straight out of the pages of your blog, it could give a signal on google that the article you serve less quality.

That means enough already told google search engine that your articles are less qualified and less informative article gradually, you will be immersed in the search results and will be hard to find in the best position.
2 the most important SEO Factor Category
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The conclusions that we can get is, the value of the CTR will be very instrumental in all if collaboration with the presentation of a quality article, while the title of the blog articles that you serve often get clicks from visitors and articles that you serve informative and really good quality it is enough to provide information on google that your article is a quality article and deserve to get the best position in google search results.

#What you have to do?

Of course you have to do is make the article title may be as exciting and unique se so capable for visitors attention and make them curious to visit your blog, but not only that you also must be able to present the contents of the the article is really relevant and qualified for the title in question so that the visitors of your blog to feel satisfied with the articles that you serve. 

Then what's a User Experience (UX)?

UX is far-distant days already in predicted that the user experience is going to be a google ranking factors and indeed proved to be the current UX already part of google's ranking factors that we have to pay attention.

Meaning what, google really want to provide informative and relevant search results to the users of the internet, a few years ago you may find a great many who were able to appear in the search results is a blog that just even abal blog-abal illegal AGC (auto generate content able to compete in the best position).

But over time google would be able to display a blog article which is really very relevant and as expected by the peengguna as information seekers.

Google enforces User experience to give the signal that the article in question is an article indeed gives information a very useful and informative, so that visitors feel satisfied.

If visitors enjoy lingering on the article they visit then it simply provides information to google that the article is indeed really qualified, if visitors do bookmark against the article is then sufficient to Google that the article is qualified and able to get the attention of your visitors.

If many of the users who visit your blog directly by way of entering the address of your blog home page in the browser they use then it means that your blog is dominated by articles that are useful and myriad factors user experience google might use as a deciding factor in whether or not your blog deserve priority in google search results (SERP).
NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

1 comment for "2 the most important SEO Factor Category"

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