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The 10 Most Important SEO Tips From Neil Patel

The 10 Most Important SEO Tips From Neil Patel - Neil Patel is the marketing gurus online (online marketing) and search engine optimisation (SEO) is the most famous of the United Kingdom. Tips and proven tips increase the number of visitors to your website/blog and boost sales.

The following most important SEO tips I provide thematically organised from his writings "The 10 Most Important SEO Tips You Need to Know".

In his early writings, Patel said, much has changed in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). However, certain basic principles remain unchanged. Brian Dean did a superb job when he made a post showing 200 Google ranking factors. Posting it then became very popular, generating thousands of new leads, from organic search, to Brian.

Patel shows the 10 most important SEO tips that you need to know at this time. Read also : 3 Best Free SEO Tools To Research Keywords.

If you focus on this technique, said Neil Patel, you will definitely drive more organic traffic to your blog and increase your search rankings without risk of Google penalty.

The 10 Most Important SEO Tips

The 10 Most Important SEO Tips From Neil Patel

1. Speed (Fast Loading)

Delete anything that slows down your site! The speed of the page (page speed) is an important factor in SEO. It used to be a web/blog loading speed is not too important.

The site appears slow can still be in the top rankings of Google. However, now the most important factor being the speed for search engines and users. Slow page can create a frustrating user experience and ultimately make people reluctant to buy your product.

Page speed is very important, both for users as well as search engines. According to eConsultancy, "40% of people leave websites that need more than 3 minutes to load." On April 9, 2010, Google incorporating site speed as a ranking factor is one which is very important.

This means that if your pages are slow, you fight hard to get top organic listing, regardless of the quality of your content or your professional web site design. According to internal research search engine giant that, when a page is loading slowly, visitors spend less time there.

On the other hand, a faster page loading reduces the cost of operating and improving the user experience, among other benefits. Read also : 5 Reasons The Importance Of SEO Strategy In Making The Website.

Get rid of unimportant elements that slow down your site. If you are a WordPress user, consider disabling the plugin that might have you install and activate but it is really not necessary.

2. Link

The links (links) to other websites with relevant content. Linking to other blogs is very important in SEO.

Making links (link building) remains a fundamental part of the clever search engine optimization strategy.Please do not hesitate to install a link to another web in your writing, especially if it leads to sources, references, or any additional information.

You can't expect to get from others if you do not want to give first. For example, if you want to get incoming links from the official blog, one of the easiest ways to do that is by showing your willingness to link to the blog from your own content.

More importantly, you can tell influencers when you link to it, and, if your posts are valuable, they can link it back to you, share the post or even send them an email to those email subscriber list large. Build links also all about quality, not quantity. You will build more confidence in your niche if you have multiple authoritative links than a dozen poor quality links.

3. Write for people, not machines

Write for human beings first, and search engines second. Lately, more and more bloggers and content creators are going back to the old method of SEO with repeating keywords, so that the writing seemed not natural and is not intended for readers, but search engines.

Many people are still not taking advantage of the "long tail keywords" (long-tail keywords), preferring to try to manipulate the search engines. That's the wrong approach.

Don't prioritize search engine rather than the man who read your writing. Instead, write the content to the user. Search spiders (search spiders) are simply scripts-they do not buy the product, they are not involved with you in social media, and they are not going to be loyal customers.

What does it mean to write to users in advance, before the search engines?

Simple course.

Forget that Google and other search engines it's there when you write. Instead, create the content that will help someone. This is known as SEO copywriting. When you give priority to your users, you will actually write useful content that will be appreciated by the search engines, since search engines follow users. Not vice versa. At the same time, you will improve the user experience and build trust with your audience.

4. Backlink

A backlink is a link in another website in various instill and directs it to your website. Push the other reliable sites to link to your site. Mostly, incoming links (backlinks) is still an artery of search engine rankings.
Make the content useful will make another site making the link pointing to writing or your site naturally. This is the essence of effective backlink creation.

5. Web analytics

Prepare an analysis of the web since the beginning. After determining the purpose of search engine optimization You clearly, you need software to track what is functioning and what not. Google Analytics and Google Search Console can help you track the success of your site.

Benefits of Google Analytic s. to monitor visitors, know the popular content, and optimization keywords. Read also : GTMetrix Guide To Website Speed Analysis.

6. Meta Description

Write meta descriptions that are unique and relevant to each page. One of the most important SEO tips that most people ignored is the meta description (meta description) are well made.

The meta description is the first part that people see when Google presents your page to the user.

In General, the giant search engines dislike duplicate content. Yes, there are times when there is a need to cite paragraphs or sentences from other sites (and linking back to the source), but if publishing duplicate content into Your way of life, you may be penalized by Google.

If you are a user of WordPress, you can fix the duplicate meta description plugin by installing the all-in-One-SEO Pack or Yoast. Read also : 15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019.

7. The URL

Use URL or permalink that is easily readable and meaningful only. If the user cannot read or understand your URL, then the search engine may also be confused. The URL must be easy to understand, good for users as well as search engines. There are no numbers or characters, in addition to Word and a hyphen.

Brian Clark once said, Google bot like infants, who need to be fed regularly. He is right. Even in the age of evolution of this search, including RankBrain, spiders of the search was a program, not a human. You need to guide them.

8. Social Media

Wake up with the momentum of social signal. Share or promotion Your website/blog in social media. Social media is an integral part of SEO strategy, and a signal search is very important. You should focus on increasing yours.

It is true that Google does not add a signal into the social factors in their ranking algorithm, but social signal indeed affect search engine rankings. If you want to get more social signals, the rules have not changed. Here's his summary:
  • Create useful content that's worth was distributed across your social media platform.
  • Add button share (share button) on your site.
  • Encourage people to share, by asking them to do it.
  • Put social media contest to get more share.
  • Mention and link to the influencers in social media/user postings you and let them know.
  • ... And many more. Social media is ready to assist you. Use it, and use it well.

9. Optimize Images

Use the right keywords in your picture. Image is important in search engine optimization. Google dedicate a whole section of its search results to images. This will tell You how the search engine giant is worried that with the image.

You must use the right keywords in the name of your image and accompanying text (like the description). However, if your drawing is woman's blue hat "," don't let the image name You "click here to buy a hat."

Always remember that in search engine optimization, relevance is more important than creativity or cleverness.

10. Be consistent

Create unique content & publish consistently to improve the ranking of your site. Do update regularly so that the freshness of the site content is maintained. Produces a unique and interesting content is a challenge for most marketers.

If you are Brian Dean, who mastered the art of promotion and content on a regular basis can make tens of thousands of users to read new posts and share them with other people in social media, the easiest way to optimize your web content freshness is to create content on a consistent basis.

If you choose to market your business online, then make a blog post that is unique and useful is not an option — it's a necessity.


Age of the domain or web pages is also one of the best SEO tips you should remember. Indeed, it's essential to your success. For that reason, don't constantly change your domain name. Select one and preserve, unless there is very good reason to change it.

If you have published a post in the past that are no longer relevant for the user, especially since Google changes recently, so instead of writing a new article, try to update that page. Do the update!

When building links, think quality, not quantity. Don't forget to make your web page mobile-friendly! It's her 10 most important SEO tips that should be applied, so that your web site/blog we easily found, indexed, and ranked Google, so bring lots readers.

NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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