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7 Marketing Psychology Tricks in order to Increase Sales

7 Marketing Psychology Tricks in order to Increase Sales - One of the important tasks of the role of the marketer/great marketers is to understand how and why people think and act as they do. This is the psychology of marketing. 

So, before you do a marketing tactic or strategy tends to be technical, it's helpful if you understand in advance how people operate. Why? Simply put because understand some of the key principles of psychology can change marketing/marketing you from well be extraordinary.

Through this article, you will learn what are the theories of psychology that you can make to optimize the function of marketing in your business. However, let's get to know in advance what the definition of details. Here is a brief definition of the term psychology marketing!

What is the psychology of Marketing?

7 Marketing Psychology Tricks in order to Increase Sales
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The psychology of marketing is understanding the question of motives that affect your emotions as well as market action in respect of a product or services offered by businesses.

Next, we'll explain what are the 10 trick psychology marketing that you can apply in order to make your sales increase!
  • Help your Prospective Customer to avoid "Paralysis of Action"
There are several approaches that can be done so that Your prospective customer/subscriber subconsciously reserved free trials that you offer. Most companies choose to copy the template that is already commonly used such a person "register for the free trial for 30 days". But a better alternative than it is by using a more lenient approach such as "no payments for the first month." 

The goal is the same, but potentially different results. Which one sounds better in your ear so it doesn't hold you to try? You can also use subtext to strengthen Your CTA. Examples include, "cancel anytime" or "full access to all premium features". An example is the type of changes/additions a great subtext to be used for A/B Testing.
  • Give The Hierarchy Of Labels On The Customer
Make Your customer feel special. It could be a great retention tool, and you so have an opportunity to change the customer became an Ambassador for your product for free. It is also a good method of acquisition, considering how many new highly qualified customer can just so to arrive because of Word of mouth recommendations. Then, how to apply the hierarchy of labels for Your customer? Here's how!
  1. Add a label within your account/product which gives them a level of higher status than the other (perhaps after they become customers for a certain period, or for those who have committed certain acts related products and services You)
  2. Send them something tangible they can wear/use (exclusive-ebook, merchandising and other exclusive)
  3. Give your digital badge they can show off/put on their website to say that they are members of certified status winning gold/silver, silver/ema, and others.
  • Understand the 3 types of buyers
Neuroeconomic experts has defined three types of buyers into "tightwads" and "spendthrifts" and "average spenders". Learn about them and learn marketing tricks for each category buyers with understanding the details here!

- Tightwads
Type buyer tightwad prefer create save money rather than spend it in massive. They are the builders and the budget planner. Tightwads restrain spending their money as long as they can. And the reason they do this should not for the reasons they lack/need the money. 

They do this because they want to save their money to buy scarce goods, for example. They could also wait for the price of a product it down after the hype of products already gradually subside. So, they spend less and save more than most people.

Read also :
--> How to sell to a Tightwad
Sell to a tightwad doesn't happen overnight, so get ready to play the game a bit tiring. In addition, if the bid price does not correspond to their budget, they probably will never eat the bait marketing that you provide.

Use words that are electrically negative emotions in your marketing content. The good you do not convey, "you deserve it". Trying to tell them something like, "save more in the future by investing here, right now!"

Rely on numerical data, charts, and graphs. Use it all as their emotional appeal in pushing sales. Bottom line, be straightforward, honest, and appropriate. Obviously, they don't like the marketing of pleasantries.

- Spendthrifts
This type of buyer who is also really isn't much. As you might already suspect, spendthrifts is the opposite of the first type. Spendthrifts are immune to the sense of regret that the ordinary natural buyers, they are shopping more and saves less than most people.

These types of buyers following the motto, that money intended to spend, and spend the money need not be influenced by the factors governing such budget. The Act of purchasing them really driven by emotional triggers.

--> How to sell to the Spendthrifts
The easiest customer You are Spendthrifts, because they usually don't need much convincing to make a purchase. But nonetheless, there are still tricks to attract purchases from them.

Use the ads are emotional. It could just be a video that includes many images (baby, puppy, cute, cute beings and that always pleases the audience). Take advantage of the psychology of color marketing in a manner attractive to them.

- Average Spenders
Tightwads and spendthrifts that recently we explain is like sitting on the opposite side of the spectrum question spending money. Meanwhile, average spenders a bit hard to explain. Point average spenders is in the middle of the two other types of buyers.

Most average spenders who can still purchase goods they rationalizing as a good investment, but also which does not become a risk for their finances. So they still indulge a matter of shopping but they do so for reasons which tend to still be rational, while still trying to save money also comply with some of the budgets they already make. Its expenditure driven by emotion and by analytic.
--> How to sell to the Average Spenders
Average spenders represent your biggest buyer base so that the focus of the target market of your efforts is the kind of buyer on this one.

Then make a balance of marketing strategy of emotion while data-driven. For example, you could include a money back guarantee, lifetime warranty, free shipping or to soothe their fear towards the buyer's remorse they may naturally later. This could encourage them to shop without worry.
  • Wake up Urgency with the smart way
In a study of test by Howard Leventhal, he concluded that people tend to block important information if they do not receive follow-up information that contains specific instructions reserved how do I deal with it/use it optimal. For example You have an online business platform. 

You should also emphasize the unique features of your product and how it can save users from the profit-loss if the user does not wear them (features that only exist in the only online flagship platform, i.e. from your company). The point is don't build urgency with clichéd words only. Try a more specific and unique to make it outstanding.

Read also : Self-employment: A Basic Guide Complete.
  • Show me your company "Stand for Something"
If you stand for something for example, charity for cancer patients or children who need school for free, then the market will be more potentially become your customers. In fact, 64% of people from the results of a survey conducted by Unbounce, stating that their purchasing decisions are more likely to be based on psychological factors on this one. This trick is good and effective way to improve conversion rate you.
  • Doing Deals with the technique of "Devil's Advocate"
Research shows that people will be more likely to buy when they have a questionable assumption by your company. How do mean details? Bottom line, you need to address the concerns of prospective customer while carrying out sales by not holding on to a pile of boring theory/research. Then with what? Try to give the most relevant case studies and actual. It would be more interesting and more potentially selling.
  • Surprise your Customer with good things that are Wonderful
Surprise your customer with an unexpected then you can build loyalty towards the brand better. In addition, you can more likely receive a thank you in the form of testimonials which footsteps so this achievement You are organic. 

People who could potentially become Your customer will see and consider using a service/buy your product because they are more trusting reviews Your users than the original ad with the cost of making a remarkable lot in television. Really? Yes, because the digital era has lasted long enough, buyers value judgments against You hang on in the online world.

Additional notes:

7 Marketing Psychology Tricks in order to Increase Sales
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You can learn more a matter of psychology of consumers through infografik ciamik "The Mind of today's Consumer" by Neil Patel. In addition to the theories that we have to get across at the top, there is our other interesting articles on his Blog Namikizen that is also a compulsory read for adding to your reference in developing the business. 

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NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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