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SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic

SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic - What is Google SERP Snippet/Featured Snippets? Featured Snippets is display a summary of the answers are there in a column at the top of the snippet Google search results page (SERP). This snippet contains column answers are summarized from a web page, a link to a page, the page's title, and URL.

Never seen it when you're looking for a definition of something on Google? This is what is referred to as Featured Snippets. Sometimes in boxes or columns can also be shown images, bullet lists or tables are simple.

When you type in the question "what is SSL?"for example, will appear one snippet at the top of your search results page which displays concise answers. Then you or another user of the internet is definitely more interested click and visit a website that is displayed there.

It has been three years since Google released Featured Snippets and still a lot of people despise them digital marketing. Maybe, you are also one of them.

If you are still not sure if this could open the Snippets Featured opportunities organic traffic significantly, through this article we will try to change your mind.
SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic
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A brief history of Featured Snippets from Google

Featured Snippets are created due to issues stemming from the early period of the existence of a search on the internet. Pre-Google (Google initially), and many more other search engines including Yahoo still followed by human directory results.

The creation of the content is already more than double the number, people no longer able to follow. In addition, it certainly needed the best curatorial approach to real-time or actual. This is the beginning of the use of the technique of algorithm and curatorial by machine.

When Google released its Knowledge Graph, data is fully based on the results of that are grouped or followed by humans, such as Freebase and Wikidata. You can see if the data is in a "traditional" Knowledge Cards, which are usually referred to as "answer boxes".

So, the answers we can is the short or brief factual at the same time, there is no corresponding link in there. The results of that which comes directly from Knowledge Graph already following. If you do a search problem "Google", you're more likely to see it in the Knowledge the Panel on his page.

Before, you could see the results of the entry for "CEO: Sundar Pichai". This is not just a text box that is mediocre. The result is referred to as a factoid. Each such line items are all existing in fragmentary factoids as unity of unstructured data within the Knowledge Graph. You can test it by running a search across other factoids, e.g. "when Google was founded?".

Although Google do the work that's been good to match so many forms of questions with answers on Knowledge Graph results, they cannot escape from the restrictions that could only be overcome by human ability. This is certainly due to the limitations of the curatorial machine. So, there are-there are just questions that are less in accordance with the model of "factoid" simple kind of example that we gave earlier.

Solutions from Google, simple Yes if the question is too difficult then millions or billions of page in the index will be sorted to produce answers quickly. Would the answer be, results page containing the words in the question itself. This process is referred to as on-page copy. As a result, often the result of not fitting.

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The results are indeed often not connected with any questions that you enter into the search field. But here's what Google can do. However, it is not as simple as it would have been the indexes conducted process also saw the relevance of page and others.

In addition to the featured snippets which we have pointed out above, there is also a tabular data. Tabular data is usually in the form of tables that appear in the snippet. Actually this is not the sort of Knowledge Graph structured data, just a plain HTML text.
SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic
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What is the relation with Snippet Featured SEO?

SEO tips sought everywhere. Whoever wants to optimize its website so that the maximum for the search engines sort of Google? If you succeed, you can increase Your website traffic. Then what about the Featured Snippets? What the hell is actually a relation?

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Results a summary of the answers that appear in columns or boxes that are at the top or the top of the search results page. The users of the internet certainly does not want to take the hassle to own the page looking for the most complete more if Google already recommend it. Then the opportunities page on your website to visit is certainly great. If a visitor or web visitor increases, it means that Your web traffic is increasing and this is where SEO is running smoothly.

Here we will describe more fully:

Through Featured Snippets, Google gives Rank #0

Now the interesting thing about the process is, with this snippet will be featured at the beginning before the organic search results that are traditional or ordinary. Well, this is what we refer to as the position of ranking #0. So that one can beat rank rank first in Google search results. Furthermore, the page which so rank #1 on Google is actually not technically are at the top (after the rank #0) because after rank #0 itself there is the "Related Questions" that a sequence of questions that ordinary people also search related question you, under column snippet.

Google opens up opportunities for Increased CTR

At the time Featured snippets are launched, the SEO experts are worrying about what if it got with summarizing and display answers in the column, CTR to their site as a source to be influenced in a negative light. Why? Because they consider the technique of extracting or summarizing from Google is not really well mapped. So what if the content is already nice or good quality but does not appear in the Snippet? It turns out that once learned more in a case study published by Search Engine Land in August 2015 then, Featured snippets are not "hurt" or badly CTR but even enhance it.
SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic
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How To Make The Content Of Your Page As A Featured Snippets

There are many ways that you can do in order to make the content on a page on your website followed by search engines Google and made Featured Snippets. Here we discuss every way that you can directly fix that to get opportunities Featured Snippets:

  • You need to create the structure of your content according to what kind of search engines like Google. This is indeed not the only changes that you made to the way the presentation of your content, but it is important to get through the early stages of sorting by Google. So, you need to summarize in some content that allows and presented it systematically. How to format? The General format for snippets are placed at the top, then dive deeper along the development of the content. Reporters or journalists from media sometimes refer to this format as the structure of the "inverted pyramid". In fact in general format like this is useful for the reader, too, especially the internet readers tend to do quick scheming or read thoroughly and at the same time. In doing so, Featured Snippets will be easier made due to a keyword approach is a little different from most of the posts on the page. Because this format is suited to be the answer to many questions that appear in the search field. Try using the term 5W – 1 h (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How). Knowledge Graph really liked the content like this because it is easy to followed.
  • You need to find a good keyword for featured snippets. If you've read our previous article reserved keyword research, then now you have the basic lines and a better understanding of reserved keywords that are frowned upon by search engines that sort of Google. Then now we just expand that opportunity. Keep do keyword research or research the right keywords for your content. When you do your research, there are a few things you need to remember, one is high-volume keywords that chances of getting featured snippets. How do I find out what keywords search volume? There are a few good online tool, please read our article titled the complete guide to Keyword Research previously mentioned. Then, the query is longer, consists of six or more larger tendencies are also said to be a snippet.Because the purpose of featured snippets this is answering a question, keyword in the form of an explicit question as we had discussed earlier 5W-1 h no doubt had a great opportunity made a snippet. But don't ignore the questions implied by the words such "cost", "how" and the words are verbs such as "become", "do", "get", "make", "form" or "cooking". The question implied also includes searches based on certain other requirements, try to find out more about that in the other references.
  • Make sure that each page on your site has the title specified in the tag<title>.</title>If you have a great site and worry about forgetting to give the title of a section, the HTML suggestions page in Search Console records the tag<title>that does not exist or could potentially cause problems on the site.
  • Be careful that you indirectly do not prohibit search engines to do the crawl on your page. When you use the robots.txt protocol on your site, Google stopped doing the crawl on the page (but the Protocol may not always prevent your pages are indexed). For example, Google may index your pages if the page was found after following the links or links that are referred from other people's sites. To display it in the search results, Google needs to display titles or the like.</title> It could be the cause of Google is not able to access any content of your pages, Google will only rely on content outside the page such as text links from other sites.
  • Include facts that are clearly marked in the description that you created. Meta description should not be in the format of a sentence; structured data about page also could be very precise for inclusion in the meta description. For example, information on the author, publication date, or subtitle that is listed on the General news or your blog entries. It can provide highly relevant information, allowing your content to be displayed as featured snippets. In addition, the product page should also provide the following key information: price, age, manufacturer (descriptions such as these spread across the pages of Your e-commerce website). A good meta description can include all this data.
  • Make sentences questions directly in your content. Try to tuck a sentence containing a question mark why and how, which is actually the most chances to be featured snippets are pre-eminent. Why? Because the words it contains the answer that rather difficult answered Unlike simple factoid in General, but can still be made featured snippets. In addition, with the two words that you also ask so much easier to develop content to meet the preferred quality content Google IE at least 1500 words in length. Questions often require more in-depth answers.
SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic
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What is the importance of Featured snippets are created Google?

If you want to know where the development of the Google SERP Snippet/Featured Snippets leads in the future, you need to ask a question that is more simple, namely, "what the heck is fortunately Google make this feature?"

It is easy to suppose and assume such thinking conspiracy theory. This is because it is not clear why Google taking our content and provide straight answers in the form of a summary to the user. What is the true all does Google make the needs of internet users? But what fortunately made Google itself? In addition, Google also has not monetization this box.

In fact, Google did it to hold a little longer the internet users in search results pages. Imagine, all this time Google is indeed often just used as a "middleman" in which the user directly switched to a page dedicated to Google in SERP.

The other reason is, however, Google must conform with the world changing device. Developing a device that now require answers concise and not in keeping with traditional or SERP which normally.

So, this may not mean much reserved profits for Google because it's about the survival of the search engine machine. Essentially, the new device would demand a new format and Google will have to adjust.

How to prevent the creation of Snippets in Your Page

Indeed if calculated the presence of manufacturing of snippets for profitable website. But if you do not want Google to do that against your website actually exists. Whether any of that reason, we will give you the trick if You want it.

Use the tag <meta name="”nosnippets”"> to prevent search engines Google display snippets of your pages in search results.


Through this article, we have given you a SEO tips that surely you can make to maximize your website for the search engines sort of Google. SEO tips that we share this time was about Featured Snippets from Google. There are many ways that you can do to Your page to appear as a Featured snippets, we have discussed one on one for you. When you reached Your website Google trust problem, Google can increase the rank of your website on the search results page. Then, Your website visitors can also increase over the number of the resulting CTR.

If you are interested, we also have many discuss things other SEO related in the form of tips and tricks that could soon you begin to practice.

In addition to that technically, there are tips off-page SEO on-page SEO tips that can maximize your website. Good luck! Hopefully the quality of the articles we help!

NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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