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How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner)

How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner) - I am writing this article because it is inspired by a friend, he happens to be a teacher who would like to try to find opportunities to earn money through blogging, actually he himself did not have later back IT, let alone understand about the world of the internet, but his desire to become a blogger seems to be very high, the motivation to become bloggers grow up because I sometimes discuss about blogging that blogging can make money.

Because he's convinced that it's true is apparently a blog can make money and have seen the evidence, he finally decided to want to try to be a blogger, but it's a pity the world's understanding of the internet and blogging as well which he had very minimal once the alias still beginner, so many questions that I received from him about the world of blogging.

The questions that he asked spur me to make this simple article with the title how to get started being a blogger in order to make money (specifically beginners).

My hope with the publication of this article, will at least give you an idea to anyone you especially that really still newbies in blogging world, which happens to be intending to become a blogger who can make money.

How to get started being a blogger in order to make money (Beginner)

If you are really serious about becoming a blogger can make money online from the internet, then you can follow the following blurb:
How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner)
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#1. Align the Paradigm of thinking about making money from your blog

Before I describe in full, there is one thing that you should really look at when trying to like to get income from the blog, the most important is the way of thinking, you have to straighten out the way you think about getting money from blog.

You should always remember that earn money from blogs is not something that is very easily, it needs hard work persistence and perseverance don't easily despair, likening the offline business.

Noticed also that to be able to make money from blogs can't be accomplished in a short time, unless you're lucky, there's a process to be accomplished, if you persevere, it is not easy to despair, it will be beautiful in his time.

Don't think that you can get money in great numbers from the blog very easily, they need the process and maybe you will quickly get bored.

Almost all of my friends that I introduce to the world of blogging, failed in the middle of the street because the paradigm of thinking is wrong, they assume that making money from a blog is very easy, can earn money the rules of the million dollars with ease and can be obtained very quickly.

Because the paradigm or his thinking orientation wrong, ultimately his blogging activity stagnates in the middle of the road, feel hard, despair, abandoned her blog, in the end he felt bored, because he didn't work hard.
Specify Topics Blog - Before most major creating a blog is to determine which niche blog or blog topics that you will discuss in your blog.

You might be a little confused in determining the topic of blog, I suggest you discuss the topic that you already master it, e.g. If you are a teacher, you can just take the topic of discuss the theory subjects, syllabus, RPP or things that with regards to your profession as a teacher.

Or if you happen to be a builder who often interact with the school's extracurricular activities, you can also discuss topics about things related to extracurricular activities.

If the topic you select your master, then you won't feel pressured when faced with making the article in great numbers, due to the existence of the blogger is published continuously until her blog has a number of articles.
How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner)
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#2. Create A Free Blog

After you define the topic or niche of your blog that will discuss, then your job is to create a blog, there are two alternatives that you can choose, create a paid blog or create a free blog, seems to me specifically for beginners, it is recommended to make a blog free course first.

The most recommended free blog is, please create a blog at try the name of the blog address as good as possible and easy to understand and relevant to the topic that you will discuss.

Whether stylish platform blog can make money?

Although a free blogspot blog stylish platform is one of the free blog that has the best potential to make money from blog, is property of google blog, and google's open collaboration with the owner of the blog blogspot to stylish platform become a publisher ads so blogs can make money.

By making a free blog then you don't have to pay large capital, your internet connection is enough capital wrote, although a free blog, if indeed the future you want to change it or do our personal domain into, then it's easy.
How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner)
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#3. Keep your blog up to bring a lot of traffic

The success of a blog, one of which is located on the traffic or visitors (visitor) that comes to your blog, the more traffic that is owned by a blog then the potential of the blog can make money will be increasingly good.

There are many factors that can affect the height of the low traffic or visitor of your blog. If you are able to maintain your blog with good traffic then most likely on your blog will continue to increase.

Then what should we do to keep the blog in order to bring traffic?
  • Register your blog to search engines.
The first step once you have the address of the blog itself is register the blog into a search engine such as google, yahoo or bing, the goal is to make your blog can immediately be recognized by search engines,
  • Publish continuously post articles.
The first once you have your assignment is to create a blog of articles and published articles in consistent and continue every day.

How many articles should be made in a day?

In my opinion if the blog is still in new condition you at least at least 1 article published in the day continually continuously, and advised do not stop within 3 months, usually late will began to arrive and will appropriate the ride.

Must be like what the title of the article I created?

The number of visitors will be largely determined by the title of the article you created, your task is to find the keywords for the title of the article that has a high search rate and easy rival.

Keywords like it would indeed be a bit difficult to find, a way you can try is to do keyword research, some of which you can try are:
  • Keyword research with google trends
  • Keyword research with google's keyword planner
  • How to find which keywords are most searched
  • Etc.
If you feel difficulties to get the keywords most searched and his rival is low, at least prioritize to get keywords with little competition and potentially sought.

It is pretty easy to figure it out, please use the google search auto suggestion with the following steps:
  1. Open the google search engine
  2. Bait by entering keywords as you want, for example "how to understand"
If google gives some keyword suggestions as above, then it means that the keyword you typed has the potential to look for people, you can use one of the keywords suggested by google.

Next do a search with these keywords example, suppose we use the keyword "how to understand poetry". then observe the number of search results:

If the number of search results with the keywords less than 1 million (one million), then it means that the keyword could be said to be quite minimal will be competitors, you can try these keywords to be used as the article title.
  • Engage in SEO optimization of your blog article
When you create an article don't forget to seo optimization involving on the article you created, good optimization seo on-page off-page optimization or seo, so that your article will be more easily found by the search engine google and can appear in search results Google is in a good position.

Seo optimization on-page optimization effort is involved in the article or blog page to let the blog page search engine friendly or easier to find by search engine optimization on-page seo efforts, such as:
  1. Create articles with the guideline is a good on-page seo optimization
  2. Using this type of blog seo friendly template (Please search on google)
  3. Create articles with good-quality
While Off-page seo optimization seo efforts are conducted outside the site but still influence in fixing the site rank in search results.
  1. Some examples include the offpage seo optimization
  2. Build quality backlinks
  3. Do promotion blog content offline and online
  • Learn structure template blogger
That should be your next assignment is, you have to be willing to learn the structure of the template of the blog, the goal is to ensure that you are able to fix your own blog template and all matters dealing with the blog template.
Have the ability to modify the template it will be plush for you point to facilitate you in studying the world of bloggers, of course the goal is to make your blog more search engine friendly.
How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner)
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#4. Learn the techniques of blog monetization

Monetization if blog is linked to efforts how to blog can make money, one of the main capital is traffic, so if your blog already has a lot of traffic you can get started monetization your blog to earn online from blog. Read also Business Opportunities in the Digital Era: 5 Complete Guides.
There are countless monetization techniques, some of which are quite popular among them are:

a. Being a publisher of ads, there are lots of different types of advertising media you can select, such as: google adsense, adnow and so on, my advice select advertising media are indeed safe and proven pay like google adsense, adnow etc.

b. Become affiliate marketers with affiliate ads such as the sale of advertising on the pages of your blog, you will get a Commission if there are visitors who do purchase transaction at market place advertised, but consumers know the product sourced from link ads you post it on your blog.


Making money online is not easy, you need hard work, diligence and perseverance, not if you already dabbling then you will ultimately find its own tricks of how to earn money in great numbers from the internet.

The main capital of a blog can generate money is a Visitor or a visitor to the blog, more and more visitors to your blog, then the potential of the blog can make money in great numbers will be the better.

So the priority you manage your blog is how to bring in traffic or visitor to your blog page, of course for seeking organic, that visitor is sourced or visitors coming from search engines.

So an article about how to get started being a blogger in order to make money (Beginner), hopefully with the existence of this article can give you how to earn money from the internet by becoming a blogger, may be useful.
NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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