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How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors

How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors - Any Blogger would want his writings widely read by visitors and can further enjoy the income for their hard work blogging. It is reasonable and humane.

The question is, how to write a good blog article and has the potential to get a lot of visitors? This is a question hard to answer, because the article is dynamic (depending on who reads)

However, something dynamic that doesn't make us unable to fingering about the specifics of writing a good blog. Well, in this article I will try to explain a little tips to write a good blog article and invite many visitors. Because the Blog is writing, so the article is the most important life

Tips on Writing a good Blog Article and potentially increase Loyal Visitors

How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors
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1. Make posts with human language (Tasty understood)

Post or an article is in fact a tool of communication. Therefore, we recommend made a writing that is not monotonous and stressful making readers. Make such an interesting conversation. An interesting conversation usually contains something important but with the lightweight packaging, because if too serious and complicated will make tired

So, to understand the fundamentals of writing a good blog article is not an important issue or whether a piece of writing, because it is more important than a piece of writing is to give an understanding of readers.

Articles that are essentially important could fail because the contents are captured by readers writing that is difficult to grasp, and visitors will assess if the writing becomes not interesting.

Writing is important but hard-to-understand
Input 25 grams of ground coffee into the 220 ml liters of hot water, then input the 15 grams of sugar. Stir the water evenly to get the coffee delicious and savory.
Writing is important and easy to understand
Input two teaspoons of coffee and one half teaspoon of sugar into a glass of hot water. Mix until evenly to get the coffee delicious and savory.

Well from the second sample article above, there seems to be a difference when reading it. The writings of the first and second contents are indeed the same, but the writing is both easier to understand because the everyday use of language that is lightweight and easy to understand

Delivery with good operational instructions understood will make visitors feel getting an information when reading the writings. If visitors have a positive impression on a writing buddy, then they will be faithful to read information – information that others in the blog.

You know site within this site, articles used are not aiming for keyword searches, but readers. It happened because a visitor sees in the mojok nice – nice so readers Miss to read again and again. When it was getting a loyal visitor, then get ready to blog traffic increasing daily
How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors
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2. Make the writing with a discussion a deep and thorough (Comprehensive)

Visitors in reading blogs like to get deep and thorough information. Then, to write a good blog article try writing was able to give it to every reader

Articles that are not memorable
An article that simply discusses Adsense tutorials adsense registration then complete
The Article gives the impression
An article that discusses Adsense adsense registration but added other info, such as:
  • Tips to get your adsense account full approve
  • The reason why adsense register failed
  • The hallmark feature of the received blog – adsense
Although the topic sub 3 not discussed in depth, but it will give you an idea to the reader. Next create a link that discusses the three subtopik above with more detail. Read more Business Opportunities in the Digital Era: 5 Complete Guides.

The more that makes writing in-depth discussion so the reader will feel sated. Click Mania proves that, in the middle of the large number of writings that discuss blogging and AdSense but why Click the popular Mania? That's because he wrote tasty read and provide information that is easy to understand.

So, it's best friend not only makes writing the origin of many on the blog, but it is better to make writing that review in depth and well worth the read.
Articles with a total of 1000 with every article read 100 times then totals only 100,000 times read
Articles with a total of 100 with each article read 5000 times then there will be 500,000 times read
The main causes of the writing can be read by many people or whether is quality depth of discussion and ease in understanding the text.
How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors
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3. Make writing that Has the structure of a Delicious read and not boring

In addition to the quality of the writing that is easy to understand and have a deep discussion, preferably also viewed online media reader psychology sides. Read the online media through a smartphone or a laptop make quick eyes tired, to write a good blog article then avoid writing paragraphs is too long.

Too long a paragraph will make the eye more quickly tired and have an impact on the reader's understanding of the failure. The complexity of his writing could occur due to such event. We recommend that you consider the structure in writing.

There is a difference the impact of the psychology of the reader when reading through the screen smartphone with a book. The difference is the light on the broadcast. Smartphone has bright lighting so the more tired than on making reading a book.

Example :
Writing with bad structure
If wants to make your adsense account, you should pay attention to the age of the blog. It is important, because in the ToS of adsense mentioned that a good blog and adsense is registering decent when it was six months after manufacture. Although in many cases it was found that before the six-month-old blog turns out to be approved as an adsense publisher. However, others also are getting email replies and requests that the content is not adequate, then the adsense parties advise that blogs are still in the stage of manufacture to not file a request into adsense publisher.
Writing with a good structure
If you want to create an adsense account, you should pay attention to the age of the blog.

It is important, because in the ToS of adsense mentioned that a good blog and adsense is registering decent when it was six months after the making.
Although in many cases it was found that before the six-month-old blog turns out to be approved as an adsense publisher.

However, there are also others who get email replies that the content is not adequate, then the adsense parties advise that blogs are still in the stage of manufacture to not file a request into adsense publisher

In the example above, the writing with too much of the contents of the paragraph will make readers feel bored and tired in a quick read, whereas in the second better writing to be read because there is a pause of a second, whereas space the text contents are the same.

So please note in writing a good blog article, in addition to the structure authorship, also should consider conjunctions such as and, or, if, then, so that, in spite of, but. Read more 9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer.

Should my friend do not surpass – debate in the use of conjunctions. It is expected that the reader does not feel dizzy to understand writing.

The placement of the image and the number is ever worth to consider. For a picture will make readers more fresh if read the writing which is long enough. If a buddy is writing articles about 1000 words, should there be a minimum of 2 images

In addition, consider also the use of the heading, subheading, boldface, italics, so that the writing is more colorful and look good to be seen.
How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors
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4. Make illustrations of Suppositions and examples on Writing

In addition to the above three points, the use of suppositions and examples should be considered as part of writing a good blog article. Because, if the friend uses illustrations then the readers will be easier to catch the meaning of the writing.

Especially is being described a tutorial or a trick, it is very important to be made an example so that more readers understand it. Illustrated example does not always have to be writings, was able to use the image.

The function of suppositions and examples is to give a deeper understanding to the reader. Indeed not all writing requires that there are illustrations, and buddy might consider writing which is indeed necessary to make an illustration.
How to write a good Blog Article and potentially increase Visitors
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5. Create a character in authorship

Because there is no standard raw in writing a blog article, then should need to make a character in each writing.

The characters presented by will make the visitors who love the writing style will be a loyal friend. The nature of the dynamism of an inscription (depends on a reader's favorite posts) will filter out people-people who agree with the style of the writing.

We recommend that you avoid writing according to the style of most people. Especially if did a rewriting, you should adjust only the style of the writing. Because most bloggers are rewriting will also imitate the writing style of the article that in rewriting.

If the friend managed to incorporate the style of writing in the writing that in fact a rewriting, then character buddy will remain intact and will still look unique

In making the character writing buddy, we recommend that you customize with the demographics of visitors to blog. It means, that the writings is not considered crazy if readers are adults, and is not considered too serious if read by young children.

The character of the writing for readers around age 14 – 25 years
In greeting the reader, use words which is semi formal and non formal
  • Ye
  • Elo
  • Guys
  • etc.
Use this greeting to readers is so that readers who in fact is more youth will see the writing in accordance with themselves
The character of the writing for readers around age 30 or over
In greeting the reader, use the formal nature
  • You
  • Readers
  • etc.
The use of the designation is intended to let readers feel appreciated because it is addressed using formal language

In addition, you should avoid the impression of patronizing. The reason, most people will be more like if appreciated than teacher. Should as much as possible in order to avoid the impression patronize readers feel appreciated

Maybe that's some way to write a good blog article, in this article too I am still in the learning stage so that if in this writing I still can't apply what I tell them, I apologize.

Hopefully there is a benefit in this writing especially for me who is still in the stage of study and for the who read this paper. Thanks
NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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