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7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content

7 Secrets of Promoting the best blog content - Actually many of the bloggers are discussing about the secret blog content, and Promoting some of the contents described in this article can be so often you read on a few blogs, and you might be a little to complain about the article title I create, which inserts the word "rare", but the content presented was certainly a lot of the bloggers already discuss it.

That's a bit of a simple content marketing strategy from the beginning, that is by serving as interesting as the article title and can make people curious to visit, if you visit this blog because there's curiosity with a title that I make, my initial strategy means to promote a successful blog, this way of course don't you miss as the initial stage to promote your blog content.

Promotion is one of the activities that you should not miss, because through promote your blog could be known and be popular, even one of the articles on social trigger revealed that the time used for promotion should is 80% and for creating content is 20% means that promotion should get a serving of 4 x more if compared to the time spent on creating content, if in a week you can make 1 content then 4 days of the week you should use to promote your content.

Then what should we do to promote content so that the blog became famous? Here are a few activities that you should try to promote your blog content:
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#1. Prepare the Foundation your Blog

This is the first step that you should do before you promote your blog, you should be able to present the Foundation of your blog, that is the blog content or articles, and you should be able to present it well so that your content is complete content and be the best content when compared to competitor's content. If the content of your competitors simply explained from A to C, then your content as much as possible you should serve it from A to Z, because for the time being one of the factors determining the success of a blog is the content

Here are a few things you should prepare that are associated with the Foundation of your blog:

a. Presenting quality content

The article is one of a very important foundation for promoting a blog in order to make your blog popular, fast one thing don't you forget is never present a random article. Read also How do know the key words (Keywords) that are most searched on google.

So the first step you should do before promoting your blog is presenting the article informative, the best quality, interesting and informative article that you serve at your blog will make any visitor willing to share blog you, willing to do your blog articles as well as bookmark they will taste linger on your blog and they could be a loyal visitor to your blog.

Remember if your blog articles many of which bookmark especially using google chrome and visitors are increasingly happy to linger on your blog, it will improve the quality of your blog's bounce rate, and indirectly will provide a signal on the engine the searcher that your blog is blog quality.

# How the characteristics of quality content?

It is indeed an awful lot that deals with quality content, but not the least of which might still be wondering what sort of actual quality content it?, if you are still confused about the quality content, here are some of the traits that you can make reference to make quality content according to google: content is always equipped with data and facts taken from reliable sources.
  1. Always discuss in complete and thoroughly so that each visitor will feel very satisfied with just reading blog articles which you serve.
  2. More useful, complete and useful when compared with other similar content
  3. Made for humans not for search engines.
  4. Its content is very informative, interesting and original
b. Create an interesting blog title and could make visitors inquisitive blog

This is one of the marketing content strategy, a good blog title is the title of the blog that can provoke the curiosity, so they are willing to visit your blog.

If you rely on google to crawl your blog visitor, to get more visitors to your blog, the title of the article doesn't need to exist at the position one google, there are enough first page with interesting titles that will make your content flooded visitors.

For the moment the algorithm google has evolved, one that may currently be the deciding factor is the site page rank factor UX user experience, or even about the UX factor is far-distant day never discussed on the site, ("one of google's engginer Garry Illyes ever discuss about UX these factors at length and he suggested that any webmaster notice and more focus on UX factor).

And it is proven, it turns out that for articles without a backlink, if the percentage of CTR (Click through rate, or the percentage of click the blog title in the search results) a high blog articles and dwell time or time spent in the article visitors long enough , then indirectly will provide signals on the search engines that your blog article quality, over time bit by bit but surely your blog article title can roost in the best position.

Indeed many once that became categories UX factor, the point is how to make blog posts give a signal on the search engines that the article quality, make the visitors happy to linger and other factors.

#how to create interesting blog title?

And the share site of moz reveals about how to create titles in order to improve the ctr for viral content for your blog generated searches, you should at least involve some of the following factors:

  • Fishing Can make the reader curious, you could involve the word unique and unusual words in blog titles.
  • Contain the message of benefits, for example, contain words, 7 ways .., 10 tips, how to ... etc.
  • Involve Emotional Touch, e.g. contains, best, the best word most searched etc. ..
  • The full title can strive to appear in the search results, you can use at least 65 to 70 characters for the title of the article, if more of that search engines will cut it so only up to 70 characters appear.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#2. Promotion using search engines (Search Engine)

Not least the owners of sites that are willing to spend to promote his website to make it more popular, but one among many of the cheapest promotional strategy and free is the promotion through search engine, here are a few pints you can do to promote your blog content in a search engine:

a. Register your blog on popular search engines

Why blogs need to be registered to search engines, the reason is to make the blog more quickly recognizable by search engine, if it is known then the article content blog you will have the opportunity sooner found in search results of search engines, so that it can boost traffic, this is one of the most effective blog content promotion and free.

b. Involve SEO on your blog articles so that your efforts optimally you should involve SEO in the articles you created, be it seo on-page off-page seo, or so your blog will be easily generated once found a google search in the best position. Read also Learn to write SEO articles a visitor favorites.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#3. Using Email promotions

One of the marketing content strategy often used by most internet marketers the world is using promotional email list, email list of people who are interested in your blog.

This strategy is extremely powerful and effective way to increase traffic or bring in visitors to your blog, and your visitors will be the most visitors know about your blog updates, email marketing will make the current article information easily to the reader through the information sent to their email automatically.

Your job is how can they email you collection, many ways that can be done, some of which are as follows:

a. Present box subscriber on blog-so that every reader has a chance to subscribe the articles, by means of entering their active email. for example you can see the shape of the box simple subscribe on my blog:
Although it looks simple, but potent, unfortunately only 699 people already do activation by email, when a total of 15,000 subscriber, but most are not activated.

b. the indirect forcing them to enter their email for collection, here's how you can present the article in pdf form on your blog which can be downloaded by anyone, but the requirement they must enter their email before you can Download. This way much in use on large sites you can.

c. Indicates seminar and every participant must place the bio data email one, if doing it this way you should ask permission to them that at any time you will send certain information via email that they register. This way you at least have to already have a strong personal brand.

# How to promotion via email?

Promotions via email notification can be through their email that there is a new update on your blog, if done manually one by one will certainly be hassles. the way is to use a special tool. Some special tools that can be used as a media promotions via email include:

a. Feed burner, a free tool courtesy of google that can help provide information and latest updates on customer (subcriber) via email.
b. Aweber, paid tools that can be used for promotion of innovating by email, simply complete one of them you can create a custom look with the design in accordance with the email you want.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#4 Promotion in social media

Promotion in social media is one of the effective strategies to date to capture visitor to your blog, but it turns out that many are still wrong to apply it, since not a few who do promotion in ways that could be considered spam, e.g. in the short time you're promoting an your blogs manually to a variety of social media without looking at the reader's interest, even the origin of the share, is okay if it's not bad but the action as it will make you and your blog reputation is also bad in the eyes of the reader, so that candidates can make them reluctant to visit your blog.

Any kind of social media that you use to share should remain should keep your ethics and not to be regarded as spammers, some point important when share in social media.
  • Consider the reader's interest.
  • The initial stage do promotion subtly and slowly.
Here are some social media that you can use to promote your blog on social media:

#a. Social media promotion in facebook

Social media facebook, anyone know for sure and social media on this one is the most social media has many members, this opportunity could certainly benefit from our well for media promotion content, but you should know exactly how the right strategy for the promotion of blog content in social media, here are a few tips on how social media promotion in facebook:

-Looking for a group that has an interest in net against the articles of your blog.

If your blog is a blog that discusses the topic of sports shoes, you should find a group-group-related sports such as jogging, relaxing bike group, are interested in basketball and such, and remember follow the rules made on the group .

-Create facebook fanspage

Make fanspage representing article you discuss on your blog, do share your facebook fanspage on auto, so every time you publish an article, your article appears well published in fanspage your blog. promote your fanspage in group-group that have interest in your blog.

-Share your article on facebook group

Do some tips below:
  • The monitor continues the conversation on your group, so that if anyone ask a question that you were able to contribute you can give a good and informative answers to increase your reputation on the group.
  • Answer each of the questions asked by members of the group, make some status on the group which is educating and without a backlink.
  • If you want to do a share link on status that you create, share links from any website that is beneficial for them by providing a little quote that informative.
  • Surely you can share links to articles you create to your blog article, do not use the title, and involve invitation so that they are interested in by clicking on the links you share.
  • Never make a status which is educating and informative which can be enjoyed by the members of the group. 
  • with such techniques, indirectly you've done soft promotion (promotion of subtly) and you will not be considered a spammer who seeks only want to promote your blog.
#b. Promotion on twitter
On twitter as well as on facebook you can do the same thing as social media promotion in facebook

#c. Promotion in Google +

Google + is one of google's social media and is similar to facebook, google + have a good spam management, for promotion before you need to associate your blog with a google profile + yours, so every time you publish an article, the latter article will appear also on google + page, if at a click then it will head into content articles of your blog.

You can join some group google + that have interest in your blog, for example if your blog discuss about adsense, then you can join the group of adsense, look for clean, group moderators are constantly active and comply with the rules effect on the group.

Promotion in Google + the most effective is to always monitor the conversations on the group, and you must contribution give answers to any problems that members of the group ask, if your smart answer well and provide solutions, they voluntarily will visit your blog through google + profile without having you requested and without you need to put up a link on the status that you create.

#d. Promotion in Online forums

Find forums that clean, you can join in on the forum, the forum for the moment anyone presents a signature facility, so you can get a backlink from the forum of the signature, but the signature will usually be active if you have already post some articles.

Take advantage of the forum as well as possible, make the article quality at the forums and put a backlink in it, should avoid presenting exactly the same article with the article of your blog that you want to promote, and also use a different title with the title of the article is promoted.

Visitor can come from links that you may be located or from the signature that you put on the forum.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#5. Promote your blog content in different forms

The content is not should we serve in only the long form of writing that we only serve on the blog, but we can change that content in a variety of formats to make it easier to be promoted by way of share in various places, you can present the your content in the form of portable as PDF, or on video, or in the form of info graphics.

By presenting the content in a different form, will facilitate you to allot of rakugo in various places.
  • If your content is in the form of video, you can share or promote it through the site-free video sharing website like youtube, dailymotion or vameo and remember as much as possible you could include the link to your blog article for that video.
  • If your content is presented in the form of (e-book) or in the form of documents such as PDFs, potable or MS Word Document, you can share our site scribd don't forget to put a link towards articles on your blog.
  • If you present it in the form of info graphics you can promote on the site
  • You can also share in the form of articles in some online forums that already has many members and was already popular.
  • Content that we serve on popular sites that already have a good reputation in the eyes of the search engines will easy index and found on search results, so you'll get traffic besides from users in these sites as well as from the engine seeker so your blog is not devoid of visitors.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#6. Blog Walking

Blog walking is the simplest classical techniques that you can use to promote and popularize your blog content to increase traffic, and it is true that this activity could potentially boost the traffic or can enhance the visitor to your blog, but you must know the techniques.

How, please do the walking correctly, blog search blog-popular blog which has same topic with your article discussed and already has a lot of loyal readers, and then intelligently you comment with relevant and informative comments on blog you visit, intelligent comment will make other visitors visit your blog even the owner of the blog in question, although without you asking.
7 Secrets of Promoting The Best Blog Content
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#7. Engage your blog readers to promote

The technique of promoting content is the next way to involve the readers of your blog to promote, this way will make your content fast, this is the best opportunity that you can use, then how can I make readers of your blog willingly do share any content that you create?

Serve the share buttons to various social media article on your blog, there is a button to share will make it easier they distribute your blog article.

Serve with quality content.

Serve long article-research conducted by buzzsumo against 1 million articles, that articles with the number of words more than 2000 words, have shared more opportunities.

Meanwhile, according to an analysis of the serp IQ, for positions 1 to 10 generated liquefaction with 20, 000 keywords proves that the average found generated search on position 1 to 10 or the first page of search results is an article consisting of 2,000 words more,

It turns out that it is indeed a great many advantages to make long articles, in addition to increasing the share also have opportunities to be found in the search results in the best position.

Promotion content is part of the blogging activity that cannot be separated, the better the promotion you do then its impact will be good for your blog, the increasing number of visitor to the blog so it will be easier to popularize your blog and your blog will be known.

Actually lots of promotional techniques that you can do, both online and offline promotions, whether paid or free, but whichever way the promotion that you choose the first step you have to prioritize is quality content.

So the explanation about the secret #7 promote the blog content that is rarely known, may be useful.
NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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