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4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic

4 Strategies to compete with top-tier to increase Blog traffic - Your blog traffic is highly determined by the quality of the article that you created and also the title of the article, there are two alternatives that you can choose when developing the title, select the title keyword search by the number of little or selecting a title from the word keyword or keyword is popular that it does actually have a lot of enthusiasts, whatever the keywords you choose for you develop into the article title then most certainly has the potential to bring a lot of traffic to your blog is select keyword search level.

However unfortunately such keyword is not easy keywords can bring with it lots of traffic to your blog, because of the generally popular keywords that have a high search rate is usually pretty tough competition so you should be able to compete with the top blogs are already more popular and have a good authority in the eyes of the search engines.

The following article will explain how the strategy of competing with top-tier blogs when you choose a title with popular keywords that many devotees, so even though the title of the article you create is a very difficult article titles containing and there have been many controlled by top-tier blogger you still could get visitors that can increase your blog traffic from that article.
4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic
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Strategy competing with top-tier to increase Blog traffic

When you decide take article title that has a high level of redemption then these keywords are usually controlled by the top blog that has been more used to publish articles with those keywords and be able to dominate the search results the best position, then in order for article postings you make to able to compete there are several techniques or strategies that you use in order to get traffic from the title.

Some strategies to compete with the top blog that you can try is the following:

1. create a title with a Long tail Keyword

When you know that the keywords that you will use to create the title of the article has a level of competition that is very difficult to make the article title then use long tail keywords.

How do I make sure that the title is that I make has a tough competition level?

The trick is simple, please do a search with the keywords you target, if in search results found millions of search results can be ensured that these keywords have a tough competition level.

For example, example for the keyword "how to create a blog", when in check in google keyword planers, this keyword has the search level extraordinary large number (popular keywords).

These keywords turned out to have an average number of searches per month as much as 90,500 searches, no wonder many blog-great blog this keyword targeting, and it is true after the check in the keyword search result has the competition level It's hard enough which is about 6.3 million results, as shown in the image below:

This means that if targeting this keyword then you must compete with 6.2 million other articles.

One of the ways that you can count on to keep up with that keyword is presenting the article title using the long tail keyword long tail keyword, the title will be able to make your article a chance to come up with a wide array of relevant keywords so your article will have many opportunities to be found in search results and can increase traffic to your blog.

As described by internet marketing experts neilpatel, how do I bring in 20.000 visitor in one month with the long tail keyword, declare that if you consistently publish articles with content length and quality on a consistent basis with the use of the title of the long tail keywords then you will see an increase in traffic on his blog your significant.

So was based on research conducted by statistic that seo optimization on-page average managed when it involves the long tail keyword for the title, which means that when you engage seo on-page optimization, on-page optimization in order to get the most out then you can use a title that involves a long tail keyword.

Then what is the number of words for the title of the long tail keywords are the most ideal?, the answer is 4 to 5 words or more, the length of the title that you created for your blog article it will be easier to get the article's ranking in the search results with a wide array of relevant keywords.

If you choose the title of the short tail or short title consists of only three syllables or less for keywords with high competition level, then your title will be hard to compete with top-tier blog, because in general the titles of articles which consist of the three syllables or less usually is already controlled by top blog which already has an excellent reputation in the eyes of the search engines and it has aged long enough.

2. create a long article

The term content is King (content is king) it's true, and the content that consists of a length of 1000 up to 2000 words or more is indeed the appropriate more dominant in the eyes of seach enggine is getting longer, and it a content then the article have the opportunity to appear on the first page of google is better.

Based on the analysis of the serp IQ, which performs analysis of 20,000 keyword States that the average article are able to appear on the first page of google (page one) is an article consisting of 2,000 or more words, the more the number of words in the content then the ranking in the search results would be appropriate either.

It turns out that the content consists of 2.000 or more words have a chance to appear on the top 10 google search results, the more the length of content in the search results position then will be getting better, but you can see that the first rank is occupied by the articles that have the number of words more a little bit (2416 words) than the second one and to 3 (2494 and 2492 words), it indicates that google also pays attention to the quality of the content itself, the quality of the content and the length of a number of words are presented in a content then it It would be very good.

3. Choose a Title unique and interesting

Articles that have the best opportunities to bring organic traffic is when the article title appears in the big 3 google search results, but you should know that the position of the top ten all have to bring up the traffic, if visitors feel interested and curious towards the title that you serve.

In the search results you can increase your CTR (click through rate) against your article by utilizing a unique title and description for your article, because when internet users find the article title in the search results then they first will see your blog article title, if the title they deem interesting and curious then most likely the internet users will visit your article they find generated searches, although the position title of the article you are not on the big 3.

It is true not necessarily first positions get the click, and can thus position 4 to 10 can get a lot of traffic, as long as the article title created for the article is considered unique, interesting and makes the curious users, therefore you should Note before creating the article is how to make the article title and as interesting as possible so unique chance of getting visitors to your article better though not in position 3 large.
4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic
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Steps to create an attractive title

If you want you can read reference details how to make the best title thereby increasing click when the title found on the first page of the search engines, but here I will give you simple tips to make your title who can bring organic traffic are:

a. Involve numbers in the title you created
E.g. 12 ways, 13 tips and more.

The title that involves numbers as well as when your eyes find contrasting colors that are very different from the other colors, numbers also can indicate the assurance contained in the articles that you serve.

b. use words can increase the attractiveness.

For example, words such as below:
  • The reason
  • How
  • Tips
  • Trick
  • Secret
  • The idea of
  • Technique
  • Strategy
  • Facts
Method If both techniques create a title above we merge then surely will have an attraction when the title is found in the search results, Read also difference SEO optimization On-Page and Off-Page SEO.

Such as the title of the article I created "3 strategies to compete with top-tier to increase Blog traffic", I deliberately combine the numbers and also the strategy so that the more interesting titles.
4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic
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How is a unique title is it?

You may be able to present the titles that are truly unique and attractive by involving numbers and also the interesting words and make curious readers, but if your goal is the search engine don't forget to ensure that the title you created completely different from the other article titles with keywords is relevant.

How do you do?

After you determine the target keyword for the title of the article you made make sure the title is different from the others with the following steps:

For example I am targeting the keyword "how to increase blog traffic"

Of these keywords may be you could just make the title as follows:
  1. "How to increase visitor traffic blog"
  2. "19 ways to improve traffic to blog visitors 400%"
  3. "Increasing blog traffic easily and quickly"
  4. "How to quickly increase your blog traffic for beginner"
  5. and other titles
If you are interested in using one of the above titles then you should make sure that the title above is indeed a truly unique. Read also 3 ways of getting a lot of Blog visitors.

Suppose for the keywords you target "how to increase blog traffic" you make the article title "increase blog traffic easily and quickly" then you must make sure that the title would you create is unique in contrast to the other.
4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic
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The trick is as follows:

Please do a search using the google search engine with keywords you target which is "how to increase blog traffic", then check out the titles of articles that appear in the first page of searches generated, whether the title "Increasing blog traffic quickly and easily"in the search results, if you find a title that is similar to or identical with the title you create, then you must modify the title and the more unique with different from others, because your title the reason you created will not give more value against users, let alone your article not being in the order of 3 great google.

Maybe you can change the title with the title "3 Secrets boosts traffic tips professional bloggers" or other similar unique titles.

The obvious is, you should be able to combine the title interesting, unique and curious, so when the title of the article you found on page one of the search results then title you will have a good chance at a click by the user.

Seo off-page optimization has a very important role for your blog in order to get the best position in the search results, one of the most instrumental off-page optimization and still be very powerful determining factor to this day is the backlink.

Please be watchful of backlinks in ways that are legal and also to do other good promotion techniques, so your blog article is able to bring visitors or visitor abound that can increase your blog traffic.
4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic
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When your blog is still classified as very new, there will be lots of blog blog top contender who was already old, already has a good authority in the eyes of the search engines and dominate in the search results, then one of the strategies to compete with top blog so your blog can get traffic from popular keyword competition is by way of presenting the articles quality, length, using the title of the long tail keywords and create a unique title, interesting and curious users.

With the strategies above, so your blog will get opportunities to be found in google's search results in the best position and often get clicks from visitors, so your blog traffic will continue to increase gradually.
NAMIKIZEN A Blogger who's been doing blogging as of 2017. The current X-Play YT still active managing blog NAMIKIZEN

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